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DeepOfix Mail ServerDeepOfix Mail Server


setup and update

after normal installation via cdrom
the clamd version installed doesn't work well (not possible to send email)

"message temporarly not accepted because: Server replied: 451 qq temporary problem (#4.3.0)"

to solve this issue it is necessary to update the system and especially clamd,
but without stopping qmail, qmail-smtpd and dnscache the first apt-get upgrade
gives back some error in writing in the qmail directory with the qmail service running.

to make a clean upgrade of the system i've done this way:

sv down dnscache
sv down qmail-send
sv down qmail-smtpd


apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install -f

if dnscache doesn't upgrade :

rm -rf /etc/dnscache/

apt-get install -f
apt-get install clamav openssh-server deepofix-openldap-config deepofix-server-config deepofix-clamav-config
sv up dnscache
sv up qmail-send
sv up qmail-smtpd


and everything must work again AFIN

Torna sł

mail and fetchmail configuration

browse to:


Username : admin
Password :  (setup password (root))

Main configuration Page

fig. 02

SMTP Configuration





Backup- / Restore-procedures for DeepOfix

echo "cerco SAN all'indirizzo "$ip_san
cmd=`ping -c2 -qn ${ip_san}`
if [ ! $? ]
echo 'NAS non trovato. interrompo il backup'
exit 1
echo 'NAS trovato. Controllo mount del SAN '
mount_cmd=`mount|grep -i shar|wc -l`
if [ $mount_cmd = 0 ]
 echo 'monto il SAN'
 mount.cifs //$ip_san/share /backup/ -o password=""
echo 'SAN montato'

day=`date +%a`
week=`date +%W`
for user in `ls -1 /home`
 tar -czpf /backup/mailbackup/$day/$week-<wbr></wbr>$user.tgz /home/$user/

echo 'smonto SAN'
umount /backup/
echo 'backuo effettuato in data '`date `





From DeepOfix mailing list:

We do however have a collection of small scripts that we use for
backing up user mailbox data. The script make a complete compressed
archive of a user's mailbox. This archive (generally a tar.gz or tar.bz2
file) can be stored on a separate disk in the server itself or even be
stored over the network on another machine.

Lets say you want to take a backup of users' mailboxes every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday. And you want to store these backups on a separate
disk available under the /backup directory. Here is how you could
automate this backup:

1. Create three directories under /backup:


2. The backup script could look like this:


day=`date +%a`

for user in `ls -1 /home`
tar -czpf /backup/$day/$user.tgz /home/$user/


You could save this script as: /usr/local/bin/backup_<wbr></wbr>mailboxes

3. Next you could schedule this script to run every Monday, Wednesday
and Friday morning using the follow set of command:

* Create the scheduler command

uschedulecmd -i backup-mailboxes "/usr/local/bin/backup_<wbr></wbr>mailboxes"

* Schedule this command to run on specific days at 1 AM:

uschedule backup-mailboxes "Mon,Wed,Fri *-*-* 1:0:0"

That's it! You will now get tars of individual mailboxes under your
/backup/$day/ directory. You can let them stay on a separate disk. Or
share this directory over the network and copy the data to another
computer. Or you could use simple commands to write this data to DVDs or
tapes from within deepOfix. Or this script could be modified to also
place a copy of the backup volume onto another machine on its own.

These are the sort of things we are trying to abstract (and don't yet
have) within EasyPush. The actual backup procedure, per se, is very

You might ask why we can't do incremental backups. Well - the simple
answer is that incremental backups are extremely difficult to restore.
With storage becoming cheaper day by day, the ease of complete backups
wins over the space / storage efficiency of incremental backups.

I might also mention that we are also working on a complete system
backup tool. The idea is very simple: You should be able to click on a
button in EasyPush to download a special .tar.gz file containing ALL the
configuration of a deepOfix server. You can doanload and keep this file
in a safe place.

If your deepOfix server fails for some reason and you need to
re-install, you can simply get back to your original configuration (with
all the configuration and all the user accounts) by uploading the same
.tar.gz file. That simple!

More details:


Give us just a little bit more time for this...

Hope this helps...
Cheers, Abhas.
i-take-charge at DeepRoot Linux / +91 (80) 4112 4784 / 85
Getting GNU/Linux to work for you. Faster. Better. Today. Every way.